Care team gearing up for an exciting summer.

Our Family and Youth Support Co-ordinator, Hansi Chisnall, shares news of the exciting plans we have for summer 2014: We currently offer highly-relational, intentional youth support through activities held in-house and during outings to fun and diverse locations.  Ages generally range between 5-18 and each young person is supported based on their individual needs and assessed from a holistic viewpoint. Activities typically look like trips out to the zoo, beach, cinema, parks, leisure centres and attending workshops that aim to stimulate their personal creativity and offer them a platform for their voice to be heard.  In addition, regular family support often happens in the home, working together with each unique family unit through emotional and practical support. As summer approaches, the aim is to increase the level of youth support in order to offer respite to both themselves and their families, either separately or together.  This means more consistent outings, more workshops held in our office, family days out and residential weekends.  These activities aim to be used as a safe and therapeutic space and time in order to build on attributes such as confidence, communication and enable their well-being.  As we receive feedback from the families we work with, it helps us to tailor our activities and support work around where they are at and empower them to take ownership over their personal involvement. We hope to soon recruit a small pool of volunteers who are interested and able to help support these young people through positive and encouraging activities and 1-to-1 mentoring. If you’re interested in volunteering with ACET, please get in touch and we will let you know how you can get involved.

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