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Prayer matters to us. We do not pray just to energise or bring about any kind of change in ourselves. We do not pray because it is some sort of extra activity, an addendum to our core work. We pray because we have to: we want it to be as natural to us as breathing. We pray because we believe it makes a difference. If you or your church would like to join with us in praying then please get in touch with us.

A big thank you to everyone who has organised or taken part in a fundraiser on our behalf! From recorded albums to coffee mornings, benefit concerts to marathons and mini-marathons, we have benefitted! If you would like to organise a table quiz, a sponsored walk, bag packing, or anything else that captures your interest, please contact us.

Volunteer fundraisers on behalf of ACET are required to adhere to the standards set out in the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public, which can be read here: Conduct of Fundraisers.

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