ACET 2020 Annual Report

We aren’t big on numbers — we’re more into relationships — but they do tell a bit of the story. These images show some of what last year was like for our work in the areas of care, education, and Migrant Plus. Migrant Plus is an important part of ACET and during 2020 provided accurate and reliable info — especially around Covid — to migrant communities as well as becoming a vital link between those communities and other service providers. The care team became very creative in keeping in touch with all our clients, through phone calls, texts, video chats, socially distanced face-to-face visits when possible, and even through letters, cards and small packages in the post. It was a tough year for all but were able to offer our support throughout. We are grateful we were able to be ‘with’ people in all that was going on and we are overjoyed that now finally we are more and more able to be with them in person. Here is the link to our 2020 annual report, with photos and quotes and reflections to give you even more of the stories. To read any of our previous annual reports or newsletters, please see our Contact Us page. To see annual accounts, go to our Financial Accountability page.
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