ACET adopts the Governance Code

As of the 24th May 2016 we’re delighted to say that ACET has adopted The Governance Code – a strong measure of how well a charity is run, directed and controlled. Good governance means an organisation has policies and procedures in place that will make sure the organisation runs effectively and transparently.
We, the Board of ACET commit to:
Principle 1. Leading our organisation. We do this by:
  • Agreeing our vision, purpose and values and making sure that they remain relevant;
  • Developing, resourcing, monitoring and evaluating a plan to make sure that our organisation achieves its stated purpose.
  • Managing, supporting and holding to account staff, volunteers and all who act on behalf of the organisation.
Principle 2. Exercising control over our organisation. We do this by:
  • Identifying and complying with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Making sure that there are appropriate internal financial and management controls;
  • Identifying major risks for our organisation and deciding ways of managing the risks.
Principle 3. Being transparent and accountable. We do this by:
  • Identifying those who have a legitimate interest in the work of our organisation (stakeholders) and making sure that there is regular and effective communication with them about our organisation;
  • Responding to stakeholders’ questions or views about the work of our organisation and how we run it;.
  • Encouraging and enabling the engagement of those who benefit from our organisation in the planning and decision-making of the organisation.
Principle 4. Working effectively. We do this by:
  • Making sure that our governing body, individual board members, committees, staff and volunteers understand their: role, legal duties, and delegated responsibility for decision-making.
  • Making sure that as a board we exercise our collective responsibility through board meetings that are efficient and effective.
  • Making sure that there is suitable board recruitment, development and retirement processes in place.
Principle 5. Behaving with integrity. We do this by:
  • Being honest, fair and independent;
  • Understanding, declaring and managing conflicts of interest and conflicts of loyalties;
  • Protecting and promoting our organisation’s reputation.
  • We confirm that our organisation is committed to the standards outlined in these principles. We commit to reviewing our organisational practice against the recommended actions for each principle every year.
Prof. Sam McConkey
Chairperson of Board
RIchard Phillips
Secretary of the Board
We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.
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