New Healthy Church Training Dates Announced

We are delighted to announce new dates for our Healthy Church Training. On Thursday 4th December (4pm-8pm) and Friday 5th December (9am-9pm), in the Lucan Centre, church leaders from a range of backgrounds will join the ACET team of facilitators to explore health issues within our faith communities with a particular focus on the challenges that migrants to Ireland face in relation to overcoming barriers to health. In line with ACET’s ethos, the approach of the training is to explore the possibilities of raising a culture of listening in our faith communities rather than just passing on information or skills.  By focussing on areas such as HIV and mental health we seek to equip the leaders with all they need to bring about such change. In our last post-event evaluation 100% of participants agreed that the members of their church would benefit from their leaders’ attendance at the event. We are grateful to a range of funders including MAC AIDS Fund, the Community Foundation for Ireland, PA Foundation and Dublin City Council for their support. This training is part of a broader Project Hope which seeks to both train leaders of migrant-led and multi-cultural faith communities in Ireland and support those most marginalised by HIV within those communities. Here’s what some of the participants had to say after our last training event: “The emphasis on building a culture of empathetic listening was the best part. I really benefitted from the listening skills.” “You are doing a great work. Please don’t relent in your efforts.” “Brilliant!” There are only 15 places available and we expect these to fill quickly. To register your place click below to Download the Healthy Church Flyer and Booking Form.

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