Happy Days: Summer Project

Cavan Trip July2014 137 It’s hard to believe that the summer is already over and the kids have gone back to school!  But as we look back over the summer youth project, it’s great to be able to say that there were many gems to take from the time and activities we spent with them.  We had lots of God-given opportunities to walk alongside them and explore various needs, hopes, dreams, and positives in each of their lives, as well as have a bit of fun and make great memories with their peers. The activities included trips out to Bray (for beach picnics and rock-skipping fun), Adventure Golf, ‘Manicures & Milkshakes’ day with the teenage girls, Aquatic Centre, cinema and Sea-Life. We had a fantastic opportunity to bring one of our biggest groups yet of young people and their families to Cavan Centre for a residential trip in beautiful, sunny July for a multitude of activities and some unforgettable moments together. The summer proved to be an essential time for really journeying with each young person in where they are in their own lives, as well as being able to link in with their families more as a result.  It laid a great foundation for the continuing youth & family care work and we will continue to assess and review what the best care support would look like for each young person in the months ahead.  More than anything, it was a privilege and blessing to share some laughs and special memories with these amazing young people, and to be allowed insight into their lives and how we might be able to support them. A big thank you to CDYSB, Crosscare and Trinity Church coffee bar for their funding and support of this project. If you’re interested in supporting this aspect of our work through finances or prayer (or both!), please contact us below to find out how to get involved.  If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer for future youth activities, you can also contact us to find out more details about upcoming volunteer training. image (17)
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