We have moved office!

New Address:

ACET Ireland

50 Lower Gardiner Street

Dublin 1

D01 VC03

ACET Ireland has moved office. We have left our home of the past decade in O’Connell Street and are now based just down the road  in The Exchange on Lower Gardiner Street. We would like to thank our original landlords on O’Connell Street, Ballymore Properties, as well as the current owners, FAM Assets Limited, for their hospitality to us over the years. Also, a big thank you to Serve The City for helping with the move. We are looking forward to sharing the space at The Exchange with Jobcare and our kind hosts, Trinity Church Network. This is our administration office but it is in homes, hospital clinics, training rooms, churches, community cafés and elsewhere that you will witness our ongoing work of improving the health of those living with and affected by HIV.  
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