World AIDS Day 2015

NO FEE 14 International AIDS Day
ACET staff member Lynn Caldwell joined with the Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar TD, for the launch of the campaign at governement buildings.
        This Tuesday, 1st December, is World AIDS Day.  ACET has joined with a broad range of agencies, including the HSE, to be part of the first National World AIDS Day campaign. With 203 new HIV diagnoses for the first half of 2015, 1 in 4 people living with HIV unaware of their status having not tested and HIV stigma still a major challenge, this campaign is timely and important. This Tuesday, wear a red ribbon, share the posters, learn more about HIV, challenge stigma and get tested. Check out all the latest on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Details of your nearest testing centre are available at the newly launched HIV Services Ireland website:   Support_WAD_Standard_post_FBStigma_WAD_Standard_post_FBVisability_WAD_Standard_post_FB World AIDS Day    
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